宛椒 1号辣椒是利用从“世界冠军”甜椒中选育的自交系 880 8和从邓州市农家品种羊角椒中选育的自交系 880 4配制而成的一代杂种。果实大牛角形 ,纵径 15 .5cm ,肩横径 3.4cm ,肉厚 0 .35cm ,单果质量 4 3g ,微辣带甜。早熟 ,从定植到始收约 4 4d(天 ) ,一般 6 6 7m2 产量 370 0~ 4 5 0 0kg。较抗疫病、炭疽病和病毒病。
Wanjiao No.1 is a new light-hot-pepper F_1 hybrid developed by crossing excellent inbred line 8804 with inbred line 8808. The fruit is ox-horn shaped,15.5 cm in length,3.4 cm in width,43 g in weight with light pungent and sweet,and the flesh thickness is 0.35 cm.First harvest occurs 44 days after transplanting.The average yield is 55.5-67.5 t·hm -2.It is resistant to physiology blight,virus and anthracnose.
China Vegetables