在国际船级社协会 (IACS)统一要求的URS18和中国船级社 (CCS)的《钢质海船入级与建造规范》(以下简称《钢规》)中 ,对水密槽形舱壁强度的计算作出了明确的要求和规定 ,对船长 15 0m及以上、装运密度为 1.0t/m3 及以上固体散货的散货船需要进行槽形舱壁强度计算。本文对IACSURS18的计算内容作了详细的说明和分析 ,并用笔者开发的专用计算软件分别对三大主要类型散货船 (Handysize、Panamax和Capesize)进行了水密槽形舱壁强度评估 ,归纳和总结出了一些十分有用的结论和经验。
Requirements of scantlings of corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads are involved in CCS Rule and IACS URS18.These requirements are to be complied with in respect of the flooding of any cargo hold of bulk carriers of 150m in length and above,with single deck,topside tanks and hopper tanks,intending to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1.0t/m 3,or above,with vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads.This paper analyzes these requirements and gives the evaluation result of 3 types of bulk carriers(Handysize,Paramax and Capesize),which is obtained using the special computer pragram developed by the author.
Shanghai Shipbuilding