政府采购信息化建设是政府采购发展的趋势和要求。随着政府采购的进一步发展 ,政府采购信息系统的数据量也越来越庞大 ,需要保证信息系统达到一定的设计需求 ,运用PowerBuilder和Oracle或MSSQLServer开发的政府采购信息系统 ,并对系统中的主要技术问题和应用性能进行分析。
The IMS(information management system) of the government purchase is a trend and requirement for the government purchasing development.With the development of government purchase,the Data of government purchase is getting more and more bigger,the IMS need a higher project requirement.This IMS of the government purchase is produced by PowerBuilder and Oracle or MS SQL Server software,with analysis on the main technical problems and the performance of usage.
Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College
河南省科技攻关项目 (0 12 4 14 0 15 2 )