漯河市职工下岗和再就业问题日趋加重 ,引起了市委、市政府的高度重视。深入剖析职工下岗的多种原因 ,为多种途径解决再就业问题找到突破口。促进企业壮大、创造公益性岗位、发展小城镇建设、调整农村产业结构等是解决再就业问题的有效途径 ;同时 ,需要对下岗职工再就业中的隐性就业、招聘信息、政府职能等相关问题提出解决方法。
The issue for the workers to find jobs again has become more and more serious in Luohe,which has attracted high-degree attention from the municipal government and party committee.It is required to make deep analysis on the roots of the unemployment and find the breakthrough for various ways to settle unemployment.There are several useful ways to deal with the issue,such as expansion of the business sectors,posts for welfares ,developing towns industry and the adjustment of the agricultural industry structure.Attention should be drawn on the factors in the unemployment groups of the concealed employment,employment advertisements and government roles so as to provide relevant measures in the issues.
Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College