7苏珊·雷诺滋.900-1300年西欧的王国和共同体(Susan Reynolds,Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe, 900-1300) [M].牛津:克莱仑顿出版社.1984:102-139.
8Jerome Blum.The Internal Structure and Polity of the European Village Community from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Century[J]. The Joumal of Modem History,1971(4):545.
9苏珊·雷诺滋.900-1300年西欧的王国和共同体(Susan Reynolds, Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe, 900-1300)[M].牛津:克莱仑顿出版社,1984年:102-139.
10Jerome Blum, The Internal Structure and Polity of the European Village Community from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Century [J]. The Journal of Modern History, 1971, (4) : 545.