目的 观察尿毒清胶囊治疗慢性肾衰竭患者的疗效及对一氧化氮和血浆内皮素水平的影响。方法 将75例患者随机分为对照组30例和治疗组45例。治疗组给予尿毒清胶囊4粒,每日3次;对照组给予包醛氧淀粉1包,每日3次。4周为一疗程,连用2个疗程。观察两组患者治疗前后SCr、BUN、CCr的变化;用RIA法检测治疗前后血浆ET-1,比色法检测治疗前后NO水平,并与正常组30例对照。结果 治疗组总有效率82.21%,与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05)。尿毒清胶囊能不同程度地降低SCr、BUN,与治疗前比较有显著性意义(P<0.01),与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05);提高治疗后的CCr(P<0.01)。CRF患者治疗前NO水平低于正常,治疗组治疗前后比较,P<0.01;与对照组比较,P<0.01。CRF患者治疗前ET水平明显高于正常,治疗组治疗后明显下降(P<0.01);与对照组比较,P<0.01。NO/ET比值治疗后有所升高,治疗组治疗前后比较,P<0.01;与对照组比较,P<0.01。结论 尿毒清胶囊能不同程度地延缓或阻止早、中期CRF患者的进程,升高NO水平,降低ET水平,改善CRF患者NO与ET的失衡状态,从而起到保护肾功能、延缓肾衰进程的作用。
Objective To observe clinical effects and influences of the level of NO and ET on CRF patients with capsule Niaoduqing (NDQ). Methond 75 cases with CRF were randomly divided into NDQ experimental group (45 sample) and Coated Aldehyde Oxystarch (CAO) control group (30 sample), the course is 4 weeks, observing the change of SCr, BUN, CCr before and after two courses. The changes of ET and NO were observed and compared with 30 cases. Results The total effective rate of experimental group is 82.21%, compared with the control group the difference is markedly (P<0.05). After taking NDQ, their SCr and BUN decreased significantly (P<0.01), the difference is markedly (P<0.05)compared with the control group. And the medicine can rise the CCr in NDQ group (P<0.01). Before treatment, the patient's NO is lower than normal, and it is elevation after treatment with NDQ (P<0.01), NDQ group has markedly difference with CAO group. The ET level descent markedly (P<0.01) after treatment with NDQ, though it had been higher than the normality. It has markedly difference with CAO group. The NO/ET is elevatied obviously after treatment in NDQ group (P<0.01), and it has markedly difference with CAO group. Conclusion Capsule NDQ can prevent or postpone the progress of early and middle stage's CRF cases, and descent ET while rise NO and NO/ET, to protect the function of the kidney, postpone the progress of early and middle stage's CRF cases.
Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine