改革西部投融资体制 ,当前亟待解决的是经济发展水平低下 ,资本形成能力不足 ;金融抑制严重 ,金融资源配置效率不高 ;资本市场发展缓慢 ,直接融资渠道不畅 ;市场型制度短缺 ,制度创新能力差 ;有效投资需求不足 ,政府投融资政策对民间投资的行业和领域限制过多等影响投融资体制改革的制约因素。深化西部投融资体制改革 ,应积极探索多元化的投资建设新机制 ,加快经济改革步伐 ,降低投融资风险 ,组建中小企业信用担保机构解决中小企业融资难的问题 ,为西部投融资业发展提供制度保障 ,灵活掌握财政货币政策 ,尽快建立金融信用制度 ,积极放开民间投资实业的领域限制 ,变革管理体制的模式 ,重视建设一流的、具有“忠诚守信”品德的高级金融人才队伍 ,把金融活动纳入规范化、法制化轨道 。
The most serious problems for us to solve while reforming the system of investment and financing are: the underdevelopment of economic growth and the inabilities to capital-forming.; serious finance restrains and inefficiency of financial resource disposition ; slow development capital market and lack of smooth and direct financing channels; shortage of market-typed system and inability of innovative system; deficiency of effective investment demand and too much restriction from the governmental policy of financing for the non-governmental organizations' trades and fields of making investments. To deepen the financing system reform of West China, a new mechanism of variety in investment should be built, the economic reform should be speeded, financing risks should be reduced, most of all, the organizations in credit of small and medium-sized enterprises should be established to solve their financing difficulties, which can guarantee the development of the financing system, and is flexible for people to grasp financial currency policy. Broadening possible ways for non-governmental organizations, improving management systems and developing financing talents of 'loyalty and promise'are also quite essential to keep the financing system in the healthy way.
Journal of Youjiang Teachers College For Nationalities Guangxi
国家社会科学基金"十五"规划重点项目<西部大开发与民族问题>(0 1AMZ0 0 1 )第四部分作进一步深入研究的成果