潜藏于民族集体意识中的家族情结和转型期时代语境决定了家族故事是“统一样态的 ,重复发生的”。现代家族故事的生成机制与叙述者的设置、叙事动力的输入密切相关 ,“他者”因素强行进入家族空间 ,为家族故事的生成提供了叙事动力 ,并激发了家族人物的叙事势能 ,势能的碰撞构成三种基本冲突 ,冲突的结果是“他者”因素的容纳者取得了优胜。
The family emotions underlying in national collective consciousness and the social situation of transforming times decide that family stories are unified and repeated. The formation mechanism of modern family stories has close relation with narrators and narrative impetus. 'Other' factors that force into family space have provided with narrative impetus for family stories, and stimulate family members to let out potential energy. The collision of potential energy forms three main conflicts. As a result, the members possessing 'other' factors have won over others.
Journal of Youjiang Teachers College For Nationalities Guangxi