法院以司法改革为名 ,把法官的学理解释作为裁判依据 ,违背了我国“以事实为依据 ,以法律为准绳”的司法原则。个别法院用独立司法权来抵制人大、人民检察院的监督权违背宪法精神。司法改革必须有序进行 ,在理顺审判机制的同时强化对独立审判权的监督 ,包括对失职法官的过错责任追究。无此便不能确保司法公正和效率目标的实现。
In the name of reform,the courts take judges' theoretical explanations as basis of court decisions. It goes against China's judicatory principles. Few courts reject the supervision of People's Congress and People's Procuratorate by using of independent jurisdiction. It goes counter to constitutional spirits. The judicatory reform must be carried on. While putting judicatory system in order,the supervision to independent jurisdiction must be strengthened. Otherwise,judicatory impartiality and efficiency can not be ensured.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute