国际警察手枪实用射击 (简称PPC)在我国引进、开展已经两年多了 ,国内许多公安机关都在以此为警务技能训练中射击技能的培训手段。“PPC”在我国大有成为警察手枪实用射击训练代名词的趋势。本文在对“PPC”优缺点进行详细、客观的分析后 ,提出 :为使我们的射击教学与训练更加接近我国警察实战需要 ,更好的与国际警察射击训练方法接轨 ,我们应该理智、冷静的对待“PPC”的引进。
Police Pistol Combat (abbreviated PPC) has been used for more than two years since it was introduced. In China,so many police are trained by the public security mechanism to enhance shoot skills in the police training. It is possible that,in China,PPC will be the substitute for the practical Police Pistol Shoot training. What's more,what are the characteristics of the project 'PPC'? Is PPC suitable for the development of the police's shoot skills and strategies? What kind of attitudes shuld we take in introducing and studying PPC? After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of 'PPC' minutely and objectively,the article sums up that we should treat the introduction of 'PPC' calmly and soberly in order that the shoot teaching and training can meet the actual combat of Chinese Police better and can link with international shoot training.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute