通过问卷调查、文献资料、实验等方法 ,探索体育师范生人才培养新途径。结果表明 :建构了体育师范生信息化教学设计能力培养的新模式 ,有利于深化体育教育教学改革 ,有利于培养师范生信息时代的学习能力、教学能力、研究能力、创造性实践能力 。
By means of questionnaire, literature review and experiment, the paper explores new ways of cultivating talented PE-majored students at normal colleges. A new model is set up for the cultivation of PE-majored students' design capacity of informationization teaching at normal colleges, which is beneficial to deepen the teaching reform on physical education, cultivate students' ability to study, teach, research and do creative practice in the information age. Some important conditions and possibilities are provided as well.
全国教育科学规划"十五"重点课题<信息化进程中的教育技术发展研究>(AYA0 1 0 0 34)子课题项目<师范生信息素养培养模式研究>
安徽省教育厅 2 0 0 2年社会科学研究项目课题 (2 0 0 2JW1 38)