
存在高温气流时管道中的声传播 被引量:1

Propagation of Sound in Pipes with Gas Flow of High Temperature
摘要 本文研究排气管道中高温气流对声传播的影响,文中从流体力学基本方程出发,分析宏观参数沿管道随距离变化时的声传播规律,导出了平衡温度、局部声速、流速与马赫数等宏观参数沿程变化的表达式,求出了声压及质点振速的近似解,获得了反映一段管道声传播特性的四参数传递矩阵并作了讨论。文中还以一台脉冲煤气燃烧器为实例,分析高温排气管道系统的共振频率,结果表明,理论预测与实验情况良好相符。 In this paper, propagation of sound in pipes under the influence of gas flow of high temperature is investigated. As the macroscopic parameters vary with distance along the pipe, the analysis in the paper is based on the funda-mental equations of fluidmechanics. For parameters, such as the static tempe-rature, the local velocity of sound, the flow speed and the Mach number, etc., formulas for determining the variation with distance are derived. The explicit expressions relating to the sound pressure and the particle vibrating speed are solved approximately. The four- parameter transmission matrix which deter-mines the acoustical character of the pipe is obtained and discussed. The acoustical character of a pulsating gas heater is investigated both experimental lyand theoretically. The theoretical values of the resonant frequencies of the device are in good agreement with the experimental results.
作者 赵松龄
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 1989年第3期289-296,共8页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
关键词 四参数 传递矩阵 传播 高温气流 声音 流体力学 排气管道系统 Four-pole parameters Transmission matrix
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