Economic Perspectives
1M.D.Bordo,2003,"Exchange rate regime choice in history perspective. "IMF working paper 03/160.
2J. A. Frankel, 2003, "Experience of and lessons from exchange rate regime in emerging economies." NBER working paper No.10032.
3K. S. Rogoff, A. M. Iiusaln, A. Mody, R. Brooks & N. Oomes,2003,"Evolution and performance of exchange rate regime."IMF working paper 03/243.
4A. Ghosh, A. - M. C, ulde, J. Ostry & H. Wolf, 2003, Exchange Rate Regime: Choices and Consequences, MIT Press.
5C.M.Reinhart & K. S. RofMt, 2002, "The modem history of exchange rate arrangements: A reinterpretation." NBER working paper No. 8963.
6E.Levy- Yeyati & F. Sturzenegger, 2001, "To float or to trail.Evidence on the impact of exchange rate regimes." NBER Summer Institute, Universidad Torcuato de Tella.
7P. Maason, 2001,"Exchange rate regime transitions."Journal of Development Economics, 64. 71- 586.
8E. levy - Yeyati & F. Sturzenegger, 1999, "Classifying exchange rate regimes: Deeds vs. Words" http://www. utdt. edu/congresos/empresarial/papers/semi - st- pdf.
9A. R. Ghosh,A. - M. Guide, J. D. Oatry & H. C. Wolf, 1997,"Does the nominal rate regime matter?" NBER working paper No. 5874.
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4Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rofoff. The Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements: A Reinterpretation [A].NBER Working Paper ,2002 No.8963.
5Fischer, Stanley.Exchange Rate Regime : Is the Bipolar View Correct [J ].Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2001(50) no.2 (spring)3-24.
6Ghosh, Atish, Anne -Marie Gulde, Jonathan Ostry, and Holger Wolf, 1997. "Does the Nominal Exchange Rate Regime Matter?" NBER Working Paper No. 5874.
7Virginie Coudert Marc Dubert.Does Exchange Rate Explain Differences in Economic Results for Asian Countries [A].CEPII Working Paper,2004 No 2003-05.
10Baxter, Marianne,and Alan Srockman, (1989), Business Cycles and the Exchange-Rate Regime:Some International Evidence.Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 23, No.3 pp377-400.
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