
东北地区城乡一体化进程评估 被引量:63

Evaluation of Urban-Rural Integration Course in Northeast China
摘要 对东北区内部的沿海大城市地区、中部大城市地区和西部中等城市地区,分别选取大连、长春和白城作为调查对象,分析各典型城市地区的城乡一体化进程。主要以现状行政区划的市区代表城市地域,市区外围的县(县级市)和个别远郊区代表乡村地域,以乡镇为研究单元,采用综合指数法评价城乡一体化的进程。城乡一体化综合指数由经济发展水平、农村非农化水平、社会公平和福利、交通及日常联系等方面的相对指标构成,通过乡村各微观地域(乡镇、县)各项指标与中心城市的比值加权求和而得。综合指数计算并结合实地考察的初步结论是:各地区城乡联系逐步加强并趋于多样化,围绕中心城市的外围地域已经形成了包括高度一体化地域(一级)、中度一体化地域(二级)、初级一体化地域(三级)、传统农村地域(四级)在内的空间序列,其中大连地区4个级别的一体化地域序列完整,高度一体化地域已经形成并逐步扩大,城乡关系趋于逐步融合;长春地区缺失第一级,白城地区只有第三、四级,城乡二元结构仍然明显。 The urban-rural relationship is an important social connection and spatial connection not only at present but also a fairly long time of future in China, however the urban-rural integration is the basic trend of the urban-rural relationship development. The urban-rural relationship and integration course of Northeast China compared with other regions has universality and individuality as well. The paper selects Dalian, Changchun and Baicheng respectively as investigation objects on coastal large cities, large cities in the middle part of Northeast China and western medium-sized cities, then makes relatively deep positive research and comparison analysis on the urban-rural integration of the typical cities. The research mainly substitutes downtown area of the current administration division for city proper. The peripheral counties and a few distant suburbs are taken as rural regions. The villages and towns are selected as research units in order to describe the space-time difference of urban-rural integration inside the counties. The synthetical index method is adopted so as to evaluate the urban-rural integration course. The synthetical index of urban-rural integration is composed of the development level of economy, the non-agriculture level of village, social fairness and welfare, traffic and daily connection etc., which is between 0 and 100 and is obtained by ratio between each index of village microcosmic region(village and town, county) and each index of central city weighted sum. The conclusion by the synthetical index method and observation is that the urban-rural connection is strengthened gradually and is tending to diversify, the peripheral regions around the central cities has engendered spatial sequences of four classes, including advanced integration region (the first class), medium integration region(the second class), primary integration region(the third class), and the traditional village region(the fourth class). The integration region sequences of four classes in Dalian is complete. In addition the advanced integration region has come into being and is expanding, the urban-rural relationship tends to integrate, Changchun region lacks the first class, Baicheng has the third class and the fourth class only, the urban-rural dual structure is still obvious. The first and second class integration region can be looked upon as functional urban area (the metropolitan area). The urban-rural integration course is positively related to per capita GDP-the representative of the development level of economy. The paper aims to advance the research of this kind of question in science by quantitative investigation on the space-time course of the urban-rural integration of each city proper. The mentioned above three types can represent the whole condition and space difference of the course in northeast region. The conclusion can be taken as a basis while all kinds of specific questions, such as the Northeast regional urbanization, the urban-rural relationship, the delimitation of functional urban region, and the urban-rural development strategy are researched.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期320-325,共6页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40071033) 霍英东教育基金资助项目(71016)。
关键词 城乡关系 城乡一体化 中国东北 urban-rural relationship urban-rural integration Northeast China
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