近年来我国汽车的保有量迅速增加 ,对机动车、营运车的管理提出了越来越高的要求 ,为此 ,国家制订了GB72 5 8- 1997《机动车运行安全技术条件》及GB185 6 5 - 2 0 0 1《营运车辆综合性能要求和检验方法》。为了更好地学习、领会、掌握以上两个国家标准 ,本文将以上两个国家标准中的主要检测内容、检测要求以及异同点进行比较、分析。
With the development of automobile production recently year,the demand for the vehicle has elevated to a comparative layer,so there put forward the standards of vehicle drive safety technology GB7258-1997 and the way of the demand and examine of vehicle's overall performance GB18565-2001. This article compares and discusses the difference and the same of two standards on the main test units and demands in details.
Journal of Zhejiang Institute of Communications