提出了现代的高职教育模式是一种学历和资格并重模式的观点。模式的意义在于优化人才培养目标、加强教学内涵建设、促进产学研合作、有利于学生就业。认为高职院校应参与职业资格证书考试内容的制订、培训、考核,并在高职教育中引入职业资格证书。应注重职业资格证书的权威性和国际性,建设双师型师资队伍, 把职业资格证书考试大纲纳入教学计划和教学大纲、编写相应的教材,培养学生的职业发展能力和潜力,培养学生的职业理念等。
The mode in that both degree and certificate are regarded as importance in modern higher vocational education was proposed. The significance of this mode is of better education objective and teaching quality, the cooperation between school and industry, and better employment rate of graduates. The higher vocational school should involve in making the guideline of professional certificate examination and training. The higher vocational school also should add professional certificate into teaching, which includes paying attention to the authorization and globalization of professional certificate; constructing teaching staff; making teaching program, teaching guideline and teaching material according to the request of professional certificate; cultivating students abilities and potential of career development and students professional concept.
Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University