
二元对立原则及其在文学批评中的运用 被引量:70

The Principle of Binary Oppositions and Its Application to Literary Criticism
摘要 本文从索绪尔结构主义语言学的若干二元对立的基本概念说起,进而阐述这些二元对立的理论对布拉格学派代表人物雅各布森和法国结构主义代表人物列维.斯特劳斯、巴尔特、格雷马斯等的影响,同时论及他们基于索绪尔二元对立原则所构建的一些理论,并举例说明这些理论如何应用于文学批评的实践。最后,本文作者进一步列举实例,论证结构主义二元对立原则应用于文学批评的可能性和可行性。 Proceeding from a brief account of Saussure's structuralist linguistic concepts of binary opposition, this paper conducts a further survey of how these linguistic concepts exercised influence upon Jakobson, exponent of the Prague school, as well as other linguists like Levi-Strauss, Barthes and Greimas, representatives of French structuralism. Some of their theories based on binary oppositions are highlighted and some examples are cited to show how these theories are ingeniously applied to literary studies. In the final part of the paper, the author demonstrates by further illustrations the possibility and desirability of applying binary oppositions as a principle to literary criticism.
作者 方汉泉
出处 《外语与外语教学》 北大核心 2004年第7期37-41,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 索绪尔 雅各布森 列维.斯特劳斯 巴尔特 格雷马斯 二元对立原则 结构主义 文学批评 Saussure, Jakobson, Levi-Strauss, Barthes, Greimas, binary oppositions, structuralism, literary criticism
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