18 8 4年 11月 ,新疆开设行省 ,刘锦棠被清廷任命为新疆巡抚。刘锦棠之所以成为首任新疆巡抚 ,本文认为从客观上说 ,当时清朝统治者已严重依赖于汉族地主阶级 ;从主观上来看 ,是因为刘锦棠率军收复新疆失地 ,立下汗马功劳 ,他又曾参与新疆善后事务 ,而最重要的是 ,刘锦棠当时最了解新疆的实际 ,提出了比较切实可行的新疆建省方案。
In November, 1884, Xinjiang was established as a province and Liu Jintang was appointed as governor of Xinjiang. Why did Liu Jintang was appointed as Xinjiang governor? The paper thinks that, objectively speaking, the rulers of Qing Dynasty had replied itself heavily on the landlord class of Han people.And subjectively speaking, Liu Jintang performed deeds of valour in battle when Qing government recovered Xinjiang and also took part in the rehabilitation works. What is the most important is that Liu Jintang understood most the situation of Xinjiang and put forward a feasible plan to establish province.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies
湖南省社科规划办 2 0 0 1年度课题<近代新疆首任巡抚刘锦棠的民族政策研究>前期成果之一