本文从回顾苏联解体后新独立的俄罗斯同西方关系演进的曲折历程入手 ,着重分析了“9·11”事件后俄国与美国关系的调整变化 ,指出俄美关系依然以竞争和力量均衡政治为特点。其基本格局依然是 :有合作 ,又有竞争 ;有摩擦 ,又有妥协。俄美关系尽管有大幅度的改善 ,但由于双方国家利益不同、战略利益各异 ,两国仍难以结成持久、牢固的联盟关系。俄罗斯同美国和西方的关系可以概括为 :既是伙伴 ,又是对手。本文还着重分析了影响俄罗斯国际定位的若干因素。
By reviewing the zigzag development of Russia's relationship with the west since the collapse of the Soviet Union, this paper examines the adjustments and changes in Russian-American relations. It argues that, the characteristics of the bilateral re lation remain as competition and balance of powers, and the nature of the relation ship is still that of cooperation and competition, conflict and reconciliation exist side by side. It is difficult for the two to build a lasting and stable partnership since they have different national and strategic interests, even if the relationship has been greatly improved. The relationships of Russia with the United States and the west are that of both partners and rivals.
Chinese Journal of European Studies