
钩形革伊螨新种记述和新美革伊螨特征补充(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:土革螨科) 被引量:1

Description of Gamasiphis aduncus sp.nov.and Supplemental Characters of Gamasiphis novipulchellus (Acari:Gamasina:Ologamasidae)
摘要 记述革伊螨属 1新种 :钩形革伊螨 Gamasiphis aduncus sp.nov.,并补充新美革伊螨 Gamasiphisnovipulchellus Ma et Yin,1 998特征。 1 Gamasiphis aduncus sp.nov.(Figs.1 13) Adult Idiosoma yellow,oval,♂379 402(av.388)μm long and 253 276(av.264)μm wide,♀356 425(av.393)μm long and 264 287 (av.276)μm wide. Dorsal shield entire, covering all dorsum and also extending ventro laterally, it bearing about 14 pairs of long setae and about 13 pairs of minute setae. Two pairs of presternal shields present. Sternogenital shield of male with 5 pairs of setae. Sternal shield of female coalesced with metasternal shield, with strongly concave posterior margin. Sterno metasternal shield with 4 pairs of setae, St 3 moving to center. Genital shield almost rounded anteriorly and truncated posteriorly, and bearing a pair of setae. In both sexes, ventro anal shield fused with dorsal shield posteriorly, and with 8 pairs of setae except perianal setae. Ad minute and situated at level of middle of anus, PA very long. Peritrematal shield separated from exopodal shield by a narrow but distinct strip of cuticle, peritreme extending to interior margin of coxa I. Tectum with long median mucro and two short lateral teeth. In the male, spermatodactyl of chela whip shaped;spurs of legⅡshown in fig. 6,large spur of femur Ⅱ hook shaped. The new species is similar to Gamasiphis novipulchellus Ma et Yin, 1998, but in male of the new species base of spermatodactyl narrow, spur of femur Ⅱ hook shaped; in the latter species base of spermatodactyl broader, spur of femur Ⅱ pillar like. Holotype ♂,paratypes 4 ♀♀,5♀♀,4 deutonymphs and 1 protonymph, from humus soils in woods, from Changchun City(43° 54′ N,125° 18′ E),Jilin Province, June 15, 1990, by Ma Li Ming. Type specimens are deposited in the National Base of Plague and Brucellosis Control, Baicheng City, Jilin Province. 2 Gamasiphis novipulchellus Ma et Yin, 1998(Figs.14 15) Deutonymph. Dorsum covered by 2 shields, bearing 17 pairs of setae on anterior dorsal shield and 13 pairs on posterior dorsal shield. Sternal shield broad and flat posteriorly. Anal shield circ triangular, with a pair of preanal setae.
作者 马立名
出处 《蛛形学报》 2004年第1期23-27,共5页 Acta Arachnologica Sinica
关键词 蜱螨亚纲 革螨股 土革螨科 革伊螨属 钩形革伊螨 Acari Gamasina Ologamasidae Gamasiphis new species
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