温室希蛛 Achaearanea tepidariorum在鲁东南沿海地区 1年发生 2代 ,但第 2代不完整。越冬蜘蛛4月下旬出蜇 ,5月上旬开始产卵。卵期 1 0 d,幼蛛期 3 2 0 d,成蛛期 76d,越冬代成蛛寿命更长 ,雌雄性比为 3∶ 1。成蛛日均食麦蛾 4.9头 。
Theriodion tepidariorum C.Koch has two generations a year but the second generation is incomplete in the southeast littoral of Shandong,China.Emergence occurs in early April the next year and oviposition occurs in early May.The incubation period is 10 d.The life cycle of the larva is 320 d and the life span of the adult spiders is 76 d.Male and female are in the ratio of three to one.An adult spider can eat 4 9 gelechiid moth Mordv and it is the main natural enemy of many insect pests.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica