The three world drama theories, namely, Stannie' s system, Brist' s system and Mei Lan-fang' s system, virtually have much in common in their mutual pursuit of realism, priority to genuine sentiments in performance and the implementation of education in recreational manners, etc. The three drama systems have exerted a tremendous influence on the theories of modern Chinese drama, as has been manifest in Zhao Ju-yin's establishment of the dramatic performance school with Chinese characteristics by virtue of learning from both Stannie' s and Mei lan-fang's drama theories, in Huang Zuo-lin' s creation of the modernized and nationalized Chinese dramatic pattern through his integration of Brist' s and Mei Lan-fang' s drama theories and in Xu Xiao-zhong' s cultivation of his unique drama art by means of incorporating the three drama theories. It is in this way that marked progress has been secured in modern Chinese drama theories.