
Clostridium paraputrificum M-21发酵制氢培养条件研究 被引量:14

Effect of cultivation conditions on hydrogen production by Clostridium paraputrificum M-21
摘要 利用类腐败梭状芽孢杆菌M 2 1(ClostridiumparaputrificumM 2 1) ,在 37℃、15 0r min条件下发酵制氢 ,以葡萄糖为碳源 ,蛋白胨为氮源 ,1mol的葡萄糖可以产生 1 0 5mol的氢气 ,最终所产气体中有 70 %H2 和 30 %CO2 (体积百分数 )。最优初始pH范围为 7 0~ 7 5 ,少量乙酸的存在对氢气的生成有促进作用 ,若大量存在 ,会严重抑制菌的生长。在C N质量比为 1 0时 ,所产氢气体积最多 ,1g葡萄糖可产生 75mLH2 (常温常压 )。在高温 83℃下对种菌预处理 30s促进孢子的萌发 ,会缩短发酵产氢的时间。以淀粉为碳源 ,所产氢气体积略微高于葡萄糖 ,1g淀粉可产生 78mLH2 (常温常压 ) ;以蔗糖为碳源 ,所产氢气体积略微低于葡萄糖 ,1g蔗糖可产生 72mLH2 (常温常压 )。该菌不能降解利用羧甲基纤维素 ,木质素磺酸钠 ,及纸浆等。 An obligate anaerobic Clostridium paraputrificum M 21 is capable of utilizing various sugars to produce hydrogen Under the cultivation conditions of 37℃,150 r/min shaking and initial pH of 8 5 in glucose containing medium, the cells yielded 1 05 mol H 2/mol glucose, and the final composition of gas yielded containing 70% hydrogen and 30 % carbon dioxide, and the final pH lowing down to 5 25 The optimum initial pH of the medium was between 7 0 and 7 5, a little acetate in the medium may promote hydrogen releasing, but a large amount of acetate in the medium may inhibit the cells growing; and the opimum ratio of carbon source to nitrogen source( w/w ) was about 1 0 Heat shock treatment to the inoculum prior to the cultivation for 30 seconds at 83℃, enhanced the hydrogen production The bacterium could also utilize starch and sucrose as carbon sources, but had no capability of utilizing carbxymethylcellulose, sodium lignosulphonate and paper pulp for hudrogen production
出处 《生物加工过程》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期41-45,共5页 Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering
基金 国家 973计划 ( 2 0 0 3CB7160 0 3 )
关键词 生物制氢 梭茵 厌氧发酵 生物量 biohydrogen production biomass Clostridium sp anaerobic fermentation
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