从基准地价评估图件编绘的基本要求出发 ,以《城镇土地估价规程》规定为依据 ,结合基准地价评估的工作实践 ,介绍了采用AutoCAD技术绘制基准地价评估工作底图、地价样点图和基准地价图的方法和过程 。
Focused on the basic demands of drawing for appraisal map and table of standard land price, based on the rules of appraisal of city land and combined with practical appraisal work of standard land price, the method and processes of basic map and table drawing, map and table of sample land price and standard land price by using AutoCAD technique are introduced. The advantages of AutoCAD techniques in drawing appraisal map and table of standard land price are analyzed in this paper.
Forest Engineering