This paper describes how to use medium access control (MAC) isolation to enhance management performance in public wireless LAN (PWLAN). To comply with the IEEE 802.11 standards, a scheme to implement MAC isolation in WLAN access points by re-designing the Distribution_Service component of the MAC state machine is proposed. A variable named dotl 1 Isolation is defined to determine whether the MAC level communication between wireless stations in the same BSS is permitted or not. Finally, a design solution based on MPC860 hardware and embedded Linux software for PWLAN access point is specified. The simulation results of MAC isolation for PWLAN show that the proposed scheme is feasible and effective.
分析了在公共无线局域网 (PWLAN)系统中为实现对用户统一有效管理而要求应用的二层隔离技术 ,同时提出通过在无线接入点 (AP)的媒体接入控制 (MAC)层中定义一个隔离参量dot11Isolation ,并修改MAC层协议中Distribution- Service模块的运行状态图以实现二层隔离的一种方法 .同时 ,介绍了一个基于MPC86 0处理器并以嵌入式Linux操作系统为平台来实现二层隔离功能的WLANAP设备实现方案 .仿真结果表明 ,本文提出的二层隔离实现方法是有效可行的 .
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