长期以来 ,公共行政领域一直奉行事实与价值、行政与伦理的二分模式 ,存在着忽视伦理价值取向的“技术主义”倾向。通过对威尔逊 -韦伯模式的历史反思、公共行政性质的全新界定、自由裁量权的确定引入 ,可以发现伦理与行政之间并非存有不可逾越的鸿沟 ,完全具有相融共通的内在可能。伦理道德是公共行政的重要维度和必然诉求 ,可从公共行政组织和公共行政人员两个方面加以界定。
For a long time, public administration pursued the pattern of the fact- value and policy-administration dichotomy, which emphasized technology while neglecting the value in the domain of public administration. With the reflection upon Wilson-Weber pattern, the new definition of public administration and the introduction of administrative discretion, we find that there is no impassable chasm between the ethics and the administration. The ethics of the public administration can be limited by two dimensions: administration organization and administration personnel.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)