《世说新语》中保留了大量文学研究与文学批评的史料 ,反映出魏晋士人的文学观念和文学思想。魏晋士人对于文学的广泛讨论促使人们将“文学”作为一门独立的学科看待 ,对于文学的认识更加全面准确 ,更贴近文学的本质 ,对晋宋之际文学新观念的形成起到了积极的推动作用。
In the New Collections of Historical Stories there are many historical materials on literary research and criticism which reflected the viewpoints and thoughts on literature held by scholars of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. They began to regard literature as a dependent discipline and thus had a more accurate and comprehensive recognition of literature, which promoted the formation of a new notion of literature in that period. A discrimination of the meaning of literature will help us to better understand the matter and analyze it in a proper way.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)