During grain formation of three common wheat cultivars from Shandong province,the subunits coded by Glu-D1 and Glu-B1 locus appeared firstly,at the time of 13 days after flowering;the subunit 1 coded by Glu-A1 appeared lastly.The forming time is different if the cultivars are different.During the forming time,all the subunits have been formed although the accumulation is not obvious.20 days after flowering,the accumulation begin to increase fast,and the accumulation arrives its peak at 28~31 days after flowering,then the accumulation begin to decrease.In the same cultivar,the different subunit accumulate differently.The accumulations of the subunits formed early are more than the subunits formed lately,and obviously the accumulation of X type subunit 5 or 2 coded by Glu-D1 is the biggest.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica