
铜绿紫球藻(Porphyridium aerugineum)755培养的研究 被引量:2

Studies on the culture of Porphyridium aerugineum 755
摘要 紫球藻是一种具有潜在应用价值的经济微藻 ,它的生长速率受各种环境因子的影响。本文研究了不同光强、光周期、盐度、NaHCO3浓度、葡萄糖浓度、培养方式等因子对铜绿紫球藻(Porphyridiumaerugineum) 75 5生长的影响 ,并确定其最佳的培养条件。此外还分析了该藻的吸收光谱 。 Porphyridium is a valuable algae which is a potential source of several high valued polymers like polysaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids and pigments. Many environment factors effect the growth of Porphyridium aerugineum. The effects of light intensity, photoperiod, salinity, shaken and static cultures, NaHCO 3 and glucose on growth of Porphyridium aerugineum were studied. The absorption spectra of the algae was also analysed. All these studies are proposed to find those optimization of culture conditions of Porphyridium aerugineum.
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期317-322,共6页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
关键词 铜绿紫球藻 培养 光周期 盐度 吸收光谱 Porphyridium aerugineum cultures light intensity photoperiod salinity absorption spectra
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