中国和印度是亚洲近十多年来经济发展速度较快的两大发展中国家 ,作为两大文明古国 ,传统文化在其现代化进程中起着不可低估的作用。本文首先分析了中国和印度 2 0年的经济增长 ,然后对两国的文化内核进行了归纳 ,着重比较和分析了两国在经济发展中文化所起到的积极影响和消极影响 ,并就改造传统文化对经济发展的消极影响方面提出了相应的意见和建议。
China an India are two well-developed developing countries in recent ten years. Through the analysis of GDP and per capital GDP from 1980 to 2001,it can find out that the different characters of China and Indian in the economic development. Aimed at the different characters of the two old countries, this paper gives an analysis from the viewpoint of the culture. Firstly, this paper has a comparison of the traditional culture of the two countries, including, the religion culture of Indian versus the ethics culture of China; many styles of the India culture versus the guiding of Han Culture in the Chinese Culture System; the stern Surname System versus the feeling of ties of blood and region in China; the conviction of transmigration in Indian versus the Chinese people attach importance to the pragmatic philosophy of life. Secondly, figure out the positive and the passive influence of the culture on the development of economy. In Indian, the positive influence including the Region Culture, many styles of the culture, paying more attention to higher education; and the passive influence including the struggle and the confliction in many styles of culture, language obstacle and the conception of population. In China, the positive influence including the ethics of loyal and filial, attaching importance on education and caring about the family. The passive influence including the habit of working hard and prudence, be lack of the consciousness which can bring forth new ideas and the consciousness of public relationship. In short, the two old countries must deal with the confliction between the culture and the development of economy. Contrasting the positive and the negative effects of the traditional culture in economic development, finally, this paper give some advice in converting the negative effects.
World Regional Studies
traditional culture
economic development