采用文献资料法 ,对电子竞技体育运动的产业化现状进行了调查和分析。结论为 :电子竞技体育可大力推动体育产业的发展 ,但我国电子竞技体育运动尚处在发展阶段 ,政府的重视程度欠佳 ,竞赛市场处于一种自发无序的状态。
According to the documents about esports games, this paper makes an investigation and analysis of the state of esports games industrialization in China. The conclusion is that esports games can propel the sports industry forward, but they are developing and not taken serious attention by the government, and the sports market is in a spontaneous and disorganized state. Therefore, the urgent matter of the moment is to standardize the esports games industry and guide it to a healthy developing state.