目的 :通过青年及老年初诊 2型糖尿病人糖尿病患病危险因素现状的调查 ,探讨青年 2型糖尿病人早发糖尿病的可能原因。方法 :499例初诊 2型糖尿病人按年龄分为≤ 3 9岁组及≥ 60岁组。调查内容 :职业、糖尿病家族史、饮食习惯、体力活动、体格检查、生化检查。结果 :≤ 3 9岁组病程及最早体重指数持续时间最短 ,男性、糖尿病家族阳性史、饮食油腻、办公室职员、管理人员、商人构成比高于老年组 (P <0 .0 0 1)。两组空腹及餐后 2h血糖及胰岛素、血浆胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白 C差异无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :青年 2型糖尿病人比老年糖尿病人有更强遗传倾向 ,存在糖尿病患病相关环境因素更显著。因为如此 ,可能是他们较老年人早发糖尿病的原因。
Objective To study the probable cause of early occurring diabetes in young type 2 diabetic patients by investigating the present situation of occurring diabetic risk factors in newly diagnosed young and elderly type 2 diabetic patients.Methods Four hundred ninty nine patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were divided into two groups according to the age(≤39 years or ≥60 years).The investigation included profession,diabetic family history,diet habit,intensity of labor,physical examinination and biochemical tests.Results The diabetic course and the stage of highest BMI were shorter in ≤39 years group.The male diabetic family history,oily diet and office worker,administrative personnel,businessman accounted more in ≤39 years group.The difference was not significant in fasting plasma glucose and insulin, 2h plasma glucose and insulin,CHO,HDL between two groups.Conclusion Young type 2 diabetic patients have high tendency of diabetic heredity and the correlated environmental factors of diabetes compared with the elderly group,which may be the cause of early occurring diabetes in young type 2 diabetic patients.;
Journal of Practical Diagnosis and Therapy