目的 :观察干扰素α 2b的不良反应及其防治措施。方法 :5 2例慢性乙型肝炎患者 ,干扰素α 2b开始 2周 2 0 0万uimqd ,第 3周后为 2 0 0万uim每周 3次 ,3个月后观察干扰素α 2b的不良反应。 结果 :5 2例患者绝大多数只有发热等流感样症状及轻度头痛等症状 ,没有危及生命的严重不良反应 ,但有 4例患者因为剧烈头痛 ,白细胞明显减少及全身皮疹不能耐受而停止治疗。结论 :干扰素α 2b引起的不良反应以轻微的较多 ,但发生率很高。
Objective: To Observing the ADRs due to interferon α 2b in the treatment of chronic B hepatitis and offering a preventive measure.Method: Fifty two patients with chronic B hepatitis received interferon α 2b 2 million U, im in initial two weeks followed by 2 million U, im, three times per week. The ADRs of interferon α 2b 2 million U, im in initial two weeks followed by 2 million U, im, three times per week. The ADRs of interferon α 2b were observed after three months.Result: The most of 25 patients occured fever etc. as the influenal symptoms and mild headache, no severe life threatening ADRs were observed, but four patients were stopped to continue the therapy because they could not tolerate of the severe headache, marked leukocytopenia and whole body's skinrash.Conclusion: The mild disorders seen in the ADRs due to interferon α 2b is more frequent, while the severe ADRs reports are veryfew.
China Pharmacist