目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳术后不良反应的MRI表现及其临床价值。方法 16例聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳者行乳腺MRI平扫 ,MR表现与临床症状对照。结果 MRI显示 16例中 :① 2例 (4只 )注入物所形成的“假体”基本正常 ;② 1例于哺乳期发生一侧乳房巨大积乳囊肿 ;③ 3例 (6只 )双侧乳房不对称 ,双侧注射部位不一致 ;④ 10例 (2 0只 )注入物所形成的“假体”不完整。 16例MRI表现与临床表现相符 ,6例行手术取出注射物 ,手术所见与MRI相符。结论 乳腺MRI对聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶隆乳术后并发症有较大的诊断价值。
Objective To explore the clinical value of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the diagnosis of the complications after breast augmentation with polyacrylamide hydrogel injection. Methods MRI was performed in 16 patients who had breast augmentation with polyacrylamide hydrogel injection. The results of magnetic resonance imaging were compared with the clinical symptoms. Results MRI examinations of the 16 patients showed that ① 4 breasts in 2 patients were comparatively natural;② a large lacteal cyst was detected in one patients in lactation;③ breast asymmetry occurred in 3 patients (6 sides);④ in 10 patients (20 sides),the injected gel was in irregular form. The results of MRI were in accord with the clinical symptoms. Conclusion MRI is of great diagnostic value for the complications after breast augmentation with polyacrylamide hydrogel injection. ;
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery