选择幼龄彭泽鲫鱼为材料 ,研究Cu2 +及其配合物Cu EDTA低浓度长期暴露 ( 4 0d)对鲫鱼肝脏抗氧化防御系统的影响 .结果表明 ,两种形态的铜对鲫鱼肝脏过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GPx)均表现出抑制作用 ;Cu2 +在低浓度时对超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)有诱导 ,而Cu EDTA的诱导作用在浓度较高时才表现出来 .对于谷胱甘肽转硫酶 (GST)的影响是在低浓度有诱导 ,高浓度抑制 .
The effects of copper ions (Cu 2+ ) and its EDTA complex on antioxidant enzymes (CAT,SOD,GST,GPx) in the liver of Carassius auratus were studied during 40-day exposure .In this study,adding EDTA enhanced the increase of SOD activities at exposure to higher Cu 2+ solution.CAT and GPx activities all decreased with adding Cu 2+ and Cu-EDTA into waters .However,the decrease of CAT and GPx activities of Carassius auratus liver were alleviated when exposing to Cu-EDTA solution.The GST activities increased at lower concentration solutions(<0.005mg·l -1 ),however its activites were inhibited at higher Cu 2+ solution(>0.25mg·l -1 ).These results suggest that GST and CAT are more sensitive than SOD and GPx to low concentration copper exposure,and they could be served as biomarkers of low concentration copper exposure in aquatic ecosystem.
Environmental Chemistry
国家自然科学基金重点项目 (编号 2 0 2 3 70 1 0 )
教育部博士点基金项目 (编号 2 0 0 0 2 82 4)共同资助