
实验性视网膜脱离状态家兔玻璃体内游离氨基酸谱的变化 被引量:1

Changes of free amino acid in vitreous in rabbit with experimental rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
摘要 目的 研究实验性家兔视网膜脱离 (RRD)不同时程玻璃体内游离氨基酸 (FAA)种类及浓度变化。方法 选择健康成年有色家兔 2 8只 ,随机分为视网膜脱离 1、7、14d及 2 8d组 ,一眼玻璃体内注入 10U/mL的透明质酸酶 0 2mL ,再抽吸液化的玻璃体重新注入以制备RRD模型 ,另一眼只注入同量的透明质酸酶作为对照眼。抽取各眼玻璃体液 ,应用高压液相色谱仪 (HPLC)对FAA进行分析并测定浓度。结果 各组家兔实验眼及对照眼玻璃体液内均可分析出 16种FAA ,分别是天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、组氨酸、精氨酸、苏氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、酪氨酸、缬氨酸、蛋氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸。其中甘氨酸浓度最多 ( 4 3 2 72nmol/L) ,苏氨酸浓度最少 ( 15 69nmol/L) ,且各氨基酸随着视网膜脱离时间不同与对照眼相比有不同变化。结论 RRD后玻璃体内各FAA的浓度差异较大 ,且随视网膜脱离时间的不同各FAA浓度变化也不相同。 Objective To study the species and changes of free amino acid in vitreous in rabbits with experimental rhegmalogemous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods Twenty-eight healthy adult pigment rabbits were divided into four groups according to RRD persistent time.0.2 mL [10 μmol/(min·L)] hyaluronidase was injected into vitreous,and then 0.2 mL of isolated liquefacient vitreous was re-injected to create the experimental model of RRD.Same amount of hyaluronidase were injected into the fellow eyes as control.Chromatography and content of FAA in the vitreous were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results Sixteen individual FAAs were detected in the vitreous from experimental and control eyes,including Asp,Glu,Ser,Gly,His,Arg,Thr,Ala,Pro,Tyr,Val,Met,Leu,Ile,Phe and Lys. Level of Gly was the highest(432.72 nmol/L) and Thr lowest(15.69 nmol/L).The content of each kind of FAA in the vitreous of experimental eyes showed a change with RRD persistent time in comparison with control eyes. Conclusion The concentration of individual FAA in vitreous changes with RD and depends on the persistent time of RD.
出处 《眼科研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期260-262,共3页 Chinese Ophthalmic Research
关键词 孔源性视网膜脱离 玻璃体 高压液相色谱仪 游离氨基酸 rhegmatogenous retinal detachment vitreous high performance liquid chromatography free amino acid rabbit
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