目的 探讨特殊地理环境下气压与MLK气动式微型角膜刀负压系统中负压吸引的关系 ,并对系统进行改良以保证高海拔地区进行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (LASIK)的安全性。方法 采用自制医用硅胶管对角膜刀负压系统进行改良 ,在LASIK中观测患者SCMD压力读值 ,并与未改良组进行比较。结果 临床研究表明角膜刀负压系统改良后SCMD压力读值达到安全手术要求的临界值 ,而且系统进行改良后不影响LASIK手术的疗效 (包括裸眼视力、眼压、角膜曲率及残余度数 ) ,但可明显提高手术中制作角膜瓣的成功率 ,减少缺陷瓣的发生 ,与无袖套组比较有显著性差别 (P<0 0 1)。结论 LASIK术中角膜刀负压系统的改良所需材料简单 ,宜于在高海拔地域使用 ,可以提高LASIK手术的安全性及成功率。
Objective To study the relationship between the atmospheric pressure in special geographical environment and the vacuum system of MLK microkeratome. Methods Medical silica gel tube was used to improve the vacuum system of MLK microkeratome.Curative effect of LASIK was studied,and SCMD pressure and tonometry reading were recored during LASIK.Modified system was compared with traditional vacuum system. Results The application of the modified system showed that the SCMD pressure and tonometry reading was satisfied of safety surgery requirement.Compared with traditional group,the parameter in the experimental group was evidently increased (P<0.01).The clinic effectiveness remained unchanged after application of the modified system.Successful rate for making cornea lamella was increased. Conclusion Modify of MLK microkeratome is easy and effective.The application of this technique in high altitute can safely improve successful rate of LASIK.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research