目的 观察下壁急性心肌梗死早期应用卡维地洛的耐受性。方法 34例急性下壁心肌梗死在入院早期(3.6±4.2)d应用卡维地洛,共用(25±14.2)d。结果 服药后病人心率[(67±8)次/min]比服药前[(75±8)次/min]明显减慢(P<0.001),收缩压明显减低[111±13mmHg对118±15mmHg](P<0.01)。心肌耗氧指标心率×血压乘积明显降低(P<0.01),均未出现严重缓慢心律失常或低血压,仅1例心功能Ⅲ级患者心功能恶化,其余患者心功能均有改善。结论 下壁急性心肌梗死早期应用卡维地洛耐受性良好。
Objective:To study the tolerance of early administration of carvediol in inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Methods: 37 patients with inferior AMI were given carvediol on (3.6±4)th day after hospitalization for (25±14.2) days. Results: After the treatment of carvediol, there was a significant fall in heart rate (67±8) times/min vs (75±8) times/min ( P <0.001 ) . Systolic blood pressure was obviously decreased (111±13)mmHg vs (118±15)mmHg ( P < 0.01 ). But serious bradyarrhythmia and hypotension did not occur in all patients during the period of treatment.There isn't harmful effect on heart function.Conclusion: the tolerance of early administration of carvedilo in inferior AMI is good.
China Journal of Modern Medicine