该文系统地介绍了尼古丁成瘾的行为表现及评价方法 ,并提出尼古丁成瘾是社会环境与遗传因素共同决定的复杂性疾病。尼古丁成瘾形成的机制及遗传易感性的研究有待重视 ,从分子药理学、毒理学、社会学等各个领域 ,探讨尼古丁成瘾已成为人们研究的热点。
This paper introduced clinical symptom and evaluation method of nicotine addiction. Nicotine addiction is a complex disease, and it is induced by social environment and hereditary factors together. We should attach importance to the study of nicotine addiction and susceptibility. The study of nicotine addiction from the angle of molecule pharmacology, toxicology and sociology etc has become the focus of medical research.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention