西方哲学文化是一部价值的表征与不断突破超越的历史。然而 ,作为欧洲价值的核心形而上学的历史的剥夺不仅使哲学面临着终结 ,而且把处于现实中的人类带向了虚无。本文探讨了西方哲学文化历史中各种不同价值目标及体系的确立 。
The western philosophical civilization is a token and history that constantly surmounts itself. But metaphysics as the nucleus of Europe value in history was deprived, which not only made philosophy faced with the end, but also took mankind in reality to nihility. This paper inquires into the establishment of various value systems and value objectives in the history of western philosophical civilization, and explains the new circumstances that metaphysics was faced with when it was about to come to an end.