以脱色率为指标,研究了壳聚糖处理糖蜜酒精废液的最佳条件,并将这些条件用于培养过云芝菌的糖蜜酒精废液的二次处理。发现,在25℃,pH4.0,搅拌时间30min,壳聚糖用量0.01g/mg,转速400r/min和助凝剂聚丙稀酰胺用量7×10 5g/mL的条件下,脱色效果较好;两次处理后,每升5倍稀酒精废液可产0.65g云芝多糖外,其脱色率、CODcr除去率和pH值分别为9.5%,80.3%和6.3。
To get a maximum decolourization value,studied the optimum conditions of the treatment of molasses stillage with chitosan,then applied the conditions to the treatment of the molasses stillage that had incubated Coriolus versicolor.Find,when temperature is 25℃,pH value 4.0,agitation time 30 min,the usage of chitosan 0.01g/mL(stillage),the rotate speed 400 rpm,and the usage of poly-aluminium chloride 7×10~-5g/mL(stillage),a good decolourization avlue can be achieved;after the biochemistry and flocculation process,0.65g polysaccharide per liter fivefold diluted molasses stillage can be gotten,and its COD remoral,decolourization velue and pH value are 80.3%,97.5%,and6.3,repectively.
China Beet & Sugar