目的 :探讨胃癌组织中CagA+ Hp株感染与COX 2表达的关系 ,为胃癌的防治寻找有价值的实验和理论依据。方法 :以 37例胃癌 (GC)及 4 4例浅表性胃炎 (CSG)患者为研究对象 ,采用PCR技术对Hp感染胃黏膜组织中CagA基因进行扩增检测 ,并通过免疫组化方法检测胃黏膜活检标本的COX 2的表达水平。结果 :CagA阳性率在GC组显著高于CSG组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;COX 2的阳性表达率在GC组与CSG组相比差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;CagA+ 组的COX 2的阳性表达率高于CagA 组 ,且差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :CagA+ Hp菌株感染可能上调胃癌组织中COX 2的表达 ,CagA+ Hp感染和COX 2过度表达在胃癌的发生中可能起重要作用。
Objective:To investigate the cytotoxin-associated gene A + Helicobactor pylori with expression of cyclooxygenase 2 in the gastric cancer tissues and find valuable experimental and theoretical proofs for the prevention and cure of gastric cancer.Methods:81 patients(37 with gastric cancer-GC,44 with chronic superfial gastritis-CSG)were studied.The CagA gene among the Hp infected gastric mucosa was determined by PCR and ABC immunohistochemical methods were used to detect the expression of COX-2 in gastic mucosa.Results:The positive infectious rates of CagA + Hp in GC was significantly higher than that in CSG(P<0.05).The positive expression rates of COX-2in GC was significantly higher than that in CSG(P<0.05).The CagA +Hp group had a significantly higher positive expression rates of COX-2 than that in the CagA -Hp group(P<0.01).Conclusions:The infection of CagA +Hp can promote the expression rates of COX-2 in GC.The infection of CagA +Hp and the overexpression of COX-2 may play important roles in the occurence of GC.
Proceeding of Clinical Medicine
gastric cancer
helicobactor pylori
cytotoxin-associated gene A
cyclooxygenase 2