从全国的情况来看 ,工业污染是我国环境污染的主要来源 ,而工业污染则主要来自于快速的经济发展和高消耗的经济增长模式。工业企业在不同动机的驱使下 ,表现出不同的环境污染管理行为。本文在上述分析的基础上 ,指出我国工业企业环境污染管理在宏观上存在环境法制建设薄弱和现有的经济政策难以支持企业污染防治的问题。在微观上存在①企业领导对企业环境污染管理不够重视 ,②资金问题 ,③粗放型经济增长方式的影响 ,④员工素质问题 ,⑤以环保经济责任制为中心的奖惩制度的欠缺等主要问题。
Industrial pollution is the main source of our environment looking from the situation all near the country, however, industrial pollution originates from the rapid economic development and increasing model of economy. It is impelled by different motivations, as well as it embody different actions of environment pollution. This article points out the weakness of environment law from aspects and the problems that the present economic policy is hand to support protection of enterprise. But from microcosmic circumstances:(1)directors of enterprises paid less attention to the management about environment pollution,(2)problem of capital,(3)influenced by extensive economy increase,(4)quality-oriented of faculty,(5) lack of system of praise or punishment based on economic responsibility for environment protection.
Journal of Zhongzhou University
河南省社科联立项课题 (课题编号 :2 0 03-SKL - 39)的研究总结