近几年来 ,变频电源被广泛应用 ,并与电动机配合使用 ,有效地改善了电动机原有的调速性能。但在应用中由于变频电源装置高次谐波等原因 ,会对普通电动机绝缘造成一定的危害。必须从变频电源对普通电动机绝缘的危害入手 ,分析产生危害的原因及预防措施 。
In recent years,power source of converted frequency has been widely used with motors to improve the capability of the original motors.But in reality,the insulation of common motors will be harmed to some degree because of the application of high harmonic frequency in the power source of converted frequency.This article makes analysis on the harmed insulation of motors by the power sourer source of converted frequency to find out the reason and counter measures so that opinions be raised to improve the equipments.
Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College