综合英语课是最具有中国特色的英语专业基础骨干课程。它课时多、周期长、影响大 ,是各门课程的龙头。如今 ,应试教育正向素质教育转轨 ,而能力培养则是核心内容。信息时代的综合英语课应该以培养学生能力为突破口 ,积极开创教学新局面 。
Integrated English is one of the most major and ba sic courses in English teaching, with its own Chinese characteristics. Nowadays, enpowerment education is well on its way, with ability development as its main content. In the 21st century, the teachers of this course should try to improve their teaching through developing the students' abilities.
Journal of Youjiang Teachers College For Nationalities Guangxi