Objective: To investigate the variations of auditory P3 of aged patients with schizophrenia. Methods: An 'oddball' paradigm was used to elicit the auditory P300from 34 aged patients diagnosed as schizophrenia and 40 age - matched normal control. The instrument used was a Dantec Concerto SEEG - 16. Results; Some patients presented a notch in their P300 waveform. No significant difference was found between the P300of schizophrenics at Fz, Cz and Pz. Within the patient group, a longer N1 latency was found at F4 than that at F3 . The schizophrenics showed reduced N1 - P2 - N2 - P3 latencies and decreased P2 and P3 amplitudes (p < 0.01) as compared to the normal control. Conclusion: The auditory P300 is of value in assessing cognitive dysfunction of schizophrenics.
Journal of Modern Electrophysiology