目的 总结分析子宫内膜癌诊治中的一些临床相关问题。方法 对 93例子宫内膜癌患者的主诉、合并症、CA12 5、B超、腹水或腹腔细胞学检查结果进行回顾性分析。结果 6 4例(6 8.8% )患者在出现症状后 1个多月至 8年内分别以功血、生殖道炎症、子宫肌瘤、IUD、不全流产诊治。其中 90 .3%的患者主诉不规则阴道流血 ,CA12 5阳性率 2 8.9% ,B超显示 87.1%的病例有至少一项提示异常的表现 ,腹腔细胞学检查 8.6 %阳性 ,2 4 .6 %发现间皮细胞。 4例诊刮遗漏了恶性病变。结论 凡有阴道不规则流血者均应考虑诊刮 ,甚至宫腔镜检查。B超对子宫内膜癌的筛查有重要意义。子宫内膜癌患者的血清CA12
Objective To summarize and a nalyse some clinical problems on diag nosis and treatment of endometrium cancer.Methods A retrospective analysis of chief complaints,complications,CA125,ultrasoun d findings and abdominal cytology in 93 cases of endometrium cancer was carried out.Results Sixty-four cases(68.8%) were di agnosed a nd treated for longer than one month to eight years as dysfunctional bleeding,in flammation of reproductive system,IUD,myoma of uterus or incomplete abortion after appeara nce of sy mptoms.Irregular bleeding as chief complaint occurred in 90.3%; positive rate of CA125 w as 28.9%;at least one abnormal change showed by ultrasound was found in 87. 1%;malignant cells were found in 8.6% and mesothelial cells were found in 24.6 % by abdominal cytolog ical examination.The cancers in 4 cases were missed by diagnostic curettage. Conclusions All patient s with irregular vaginal bleeding should be given diagnostic curettage,even hys tero scopy.Ultrasound examination is important for screening endometrium cancer.T he positive rates of CA125 and abdominal cytology are low in endometrium cancer.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation
Endometrium cancer/diagnosis