Eurohypnum leptothallum (C. Muell.) Ando is an excellent overwintering host for Kaburagia sp. A suggestion has been made that not only the oversummering host (Rhus potannii Maxim.) but the overwintering host (E. leptothallum) must also be transplanted in the forest of gallnut producing Kaburagia sp.. The key for the success or failure in setting up the forest of gallnut producing Kaburagia sp. lies in whether the E. leptothallum could be reproduced and transplanted on a large scale. This paper deals with the methods and techniques of the reproduction and transplantation of this species for the first time in China. When the forest of Chinese gallnut is wanted to be built in a large way, the practices mentioned in this paper will benefit the afforestation of Chinese gallnut forest.
Eurohypnum leptothallum (C. Muell.) Ando is an excellent overwintering host for Kaburagia sp. A suggestion has been made that not only the oversummering host (Rhus potannii Maxim.) but the overwintering host (E. leptothallum) must also be transplanted in the forest of gallnut producing Kaburagia sp.. The key for the success or failure in setting up the forest of gallnut producing Kaburagia sp. lies in whether the E. leptothallum could be reproduced and transplanted on a large scale. This paper deals with the methods and techniques of the reproduction and transplantation of this species for the first time in China. When the forest of Chinese gallnut is wanted to be built in a large way, the practices mentioned in this paper will benefit the afforestation of Chinese gallnut forest.
Forest Research