The susceptibility of domestic 316-Ti stainless steel cladding tube with respect to Fuel Cladding Chemical interaction(FCCI) and Fission Products - induced Liquid Metal Embrittlement (FPLME) under four oxygen POtentials has been investigated by out-of-pile simulation test. It is shown that the corrosion character of cladding tube strongly depends on the oxygen POtential. When the oxygen potential is lower than oxidation threshold of Cr in stainless steel, there is nonobvious attack on inner stir face of cladding, with the room temperature burst strength unchanged, the circum expansion slightly degraded, and the fracture surface of toughness character. When theoxygen Potential greatly exceeds the oxidation threshold of Cr in stainless steel, the microstructure morphology Of the attacked cladding is of matrix oxidative attack combined with IGA. With increasing of oxygen POtential, IGA depth decreases and oxidative attack becomes severe. Under high oxygen POtential correspondillg to hyperstoichiometric fuel, matrix oxidative attack, IGA as well as erosive attack occur simulaneously, with ulcer like attacked zone, consisting of rich Cr/depleted Ni and rich Ni/depleted Cr layers alternatively. The degradation of room temperature strength and expansion of attacked cladding are rather considerable; inner side of fracture surface indicats the intergranular brittle fractrure character; and there are Cs and Te in the brocken grain boundary. This fact supPOrts the POint of view that the mechanism of the focalled Fuel Adjacency Effect(FAE) is synergetic Cs and Te Fission Products-induced Liquid Metal Embrittlement.
Nuclear Science and Engineering