Parallel computing can save a lot of time in the field of large-scale scientific computing. In this paper, the main idea is that a finite difference parallel scheme for fourth order parabolic equations. The scheme is constructed by Saul’yev asymmetric difference schemes which called the four-point scheme. It’s one explicit difference scheme, the computational domain can be divided into a number of large areas;each sub-region computes themselves, and the parallel scheme is unconditionally stable. Then, the paper focuses on the numerical calculation of the four-point scheme in MPI parallel environment. Two different MPI parallel algorithms are constructed, one is blocking com- munication (wait communication) mode, and the other is non-blocking communication (non-wait communication) mode. These two parallel algorithms both better than serial algorithm to calculate numerical solutions use four-point scheme, and the non-blocking communication mode is higher computational than the other, because the wait time in non-blocking communication mode is less than blocking communication mode.
Advances in Applied Mathematics